Cutting, Punching, and Press Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic

Set up, operate, or tend machines to saw, cut, shear, slit, punch, crimp, notch, bend, or straighten metal or plastic material.

Fast Facts

Hourly Pay
Entry Level: $13.62/hr
Median: $16.87/hr
Experienced: $20.98/hr

Current Employment
1,100 (2017)

Projected Employment
844 (2028)

Growth for Cutting, Punching, and Press Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic

2017 Jobs2028 JobsChange (2018-2028)% Change (2018-2028)

Industries Employing Cutting, Punching, and Press Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic

IndustryOccupation Jobs in Industry (2017)% of Occupation in Industry (2017)% of Total Jobs in Industry (2017)
Other Motor Vehicle Parts Manufacturing11610.6%4.6%
Metal Window and Door Manufacturing928.4%8.8%
Special Die and Tool, Die Set, Jig and Fixture Manufacturing787.1%2.4%
Temporary Help Services666%0.8%
All Other Plastics Product Manufacturing625.6%3.7%

Occupational Tasks

  • Examine completed workpieces for defects, such as chipped edges or marred surfaces and sort defective pieces according to types of flaws.
  • Measure completed workpieces to verify conformance to specifications, using micrometers, gauges, calipers, templates, or rulers.
  • Set stops on machine beds, change dies, and adjust components, such as rams or power presses, when making multiple or successive passes.
  • Start machines, monitor their operations, and record operational data.
  • Set up, operate, or tend machines to saw, cut, shear, slit, punch, crimp, notch, bend, or straighten metal or plastic material.