Computer-Controlled Machine Tool Operators, Metal and Plastic

Operate computer-controlled machines or robots to perform one or more machine functions on metal or plastic work pieces

Fast Facts

Hourly Pay
Entry Level: $16.03/hr
Median: $19.72/hr
Experienced: $24.32/hr

Current Employment
1,518 (2018)

Projected Employment
1,485 (2029)

Growth for Computer-Controlled Machine Tool Operators, Metal and Plastic

2019 Jobs2030 JobsChange (2019-2030)% Change (2019-2030)

Industries Employing Computer-Controlled Machine Tool Operators, Metal and Plastic

IndustryOccupation Jobs in Industry (2019)% of Occupation in Industry (2019)% of Total Jobs in Industry (2019)
Machine Shops31823.1%14%
Special Die and Tool, Die Set, Jig, and Fixture Manufacturing 27720.1%9.1%
Other Motor Vehicle Parts Manufacturing795.7%3%
Other Aircraft Parts and Auxiliary Equipment Manufacturing473.4%3.5%
Precision Turned Product Manufacturing433.2%9.5%

Occupational Tasks

  • Measure dimensions of finished workpieces to ensure conformance to specifications, using precision measuring instruments, templates, and fixtures.
  • Mount, install, align, and secure tools, attachments, fixtures, and workpieces on machines, using hand tools and precision measuring instruments.
  • Stop machines to remove finished workpieces or to change tooling, setup, or workpiece placement, according to required machining sequences.
  • Transfer commands from servers to computer numerical control (CNC) modules, using computer network links.
  • Check to ensure that workpieces are properly lubricated and cooled during machine operation.