County Corp

Address: 130 West 2nd St., Suite 1420, Dayton, OH 45402

Phone: 937-225-6328


For 35 years, we’ve been helping area residents improve their homes and working with our local businesses to help them expand. As a 501c3 not for profit corporation, County Corp works hard to make a difference in our community. County Corp was instrumental in the creation of two other 501c3 not for profits that to this day work with County Corp to deliver for our customers: County Corp Development founded in 1982 to provide small business loans and HomeStart, Inc., founded in 1988 to participate in affordable housing tax credit investments.

We have rebranded all of our programming:

The Housing Source is the affordable housing programming now available from County Corp and HomeStart, Inc. The Housing Source includes mortgage relief and foreclosure intervention services, home ownership and rental opportunities, home repair and down payment assistance grants, affordable housing tax credit developments, and since 2012, the YouthBuild and AmeriCorps programming offered in the Dayton area.

HomeStart, Inc. is Montgomery County’s designated CHDO (Community Housing Development Organization).

BizCap, the small business lending program of County Corp and County Corp Development, provides small businesses the capital they need to grow and expand in our region. BizCap offers competitive fixed interest rates and loan terms to small businesses investing in real estate and equipment. With the SBA 504 loan program, we are authorized anywhere in the State of Ohio and in 6 eastern Indiana counties adjacent to the greater Dayton region. We can help small businesses anywhere in Ohio with Ohio Regional 166 loan program. In addition, BizCap has other small business lending programs available for your project. Bring us in to help finance your capital investment and reduce your cash out of pocket.