Training and Development Specialists

Design and conduct training and development programs to improve individual and organizational performance. May analyze training needs.

Fast Facts

Hourly Pay
Entry Level: $20.07/hr
Median: $24.85/hr
Experienced: $31.38/hr

Current Employment
664 (2018)

Projected Employment
709 (2028)

Growth for Training and Development Specialists

2017 Jobs2028 JobsChange (2018-2028)% Change (2018-2028)

Industries Employing Training and Development Specialists

IndustryOccupation Jobs in Industry (2017)% of Occupation in Industry (2017)% of Total Jobs in Industry (2017)
Corporate, Subsidiary, and Regional Managing Offices 436.4%0.8%
Local Government, Excluding Education and Hospitals304.4%0.2%
Direct Health and Medical Insurance Carriers274.1%1%
Computer System Design Services274.1%0.7%
General Medical and Surgical Hospitals274%0.1%

Occupational Skills

  • Assess training needs through surveys, interviews with employees, focus groups, or consultation with managers, instructors, or customer representatives.
  • Design, plan, organize, or direct orientation and training programs for employees or customers.
  • Offer specific training programs to help workers maintain or improve job skills.
  • Present information using a variety of instructional techniques or formats, such as role playing, simulations, team exercises, group discussions, videos, or lectures.
  • Obtain, organize, or develop training procedure manuals, guides, or course materials, such as handouts or visual materials.