Customer Service Representatives

Interact with customers to provide information in response to inquiries about products and services and to handle and resolve complaints. Excludes individuals whose duties are primarily installation, sales, or repair.

Fast Facts

Hourly Pay
Entry Level: $13.04/hr
Median: $16.67/hr
Experienced: $19.11/hr

Current Employment
5,157 (2019)

Projected Employment
5,430 (2030)

Growth for Customer Service Representatives

2019 Jobs2030 JobsChange (2019-2030)% Change (2019-2030)

Industries Employing Customer Service Representatives

IndustryOccupation Jobs in Industry (2019)% of Occupation in Industry (2019)% of Total Jobs in Industry (2019)
Direct Health and Medical Insurance Carriers4408.5%12.9%
Telemarketing Bureaus and Other Contact Centers3777.3%18.9%
Insurance Agencies and Brokerages1893.7%9.5%
Temporary Help Services1523%2.1%
Corporate, Subsidiary, and Regional Managing Offices 1502.9%3%

Occupational Skills

  • Confer with customers by telephone or in person to provide information about products or services, take or enter orders, cancel accounts, or obtain details of complaints.
  • Check to ensure that appropriate changes were made to resolve customers’ problems.
  • Keep records of customer interactions or transactions, recording details of inquiries, complaints, or comments, as well as actions taken.
  • Resolve customers’ service or billing complaints by performing activities such as exchanging merchandise, refunding money, or adjusting bills.
  • Complete contract forms, prepare change of address records, or issue service discontinuance orders, using computers.