Skilled Trades

Growth in construction is a sign of the overall health of the local economy, reflecting the exciting expansion in many industries in the Dayton region. With commercial development, residential new-build and remodeling, and infrastructure construction on the rise, jobs in all the skilled trades are in high demand locally. The construction industry accounts for nearly 12,000 jobs in the Dayton region and billions of dollars in economic impact. With anticipated growth and expected loss through retirements, there are over 1,000+ annual job openings in the construction trades.

Download Skilled Trades Industry Snapshot

Occupations Employed by these Industries

Description2019 Jobs2030 Jobs2019 - 2030 % ChangeMedian Hourly EarningsAnnual Openings2019 - 2030 Change
Construction Laborers2,6162,8037%$17.71319187
First-Line Supervisors of Construction Trades and Extraction Workers1,0521,0984%$30.8212046
Heating, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration Mechanics and Installers9791,11414%$20.40116135
Construction Managers8669014%$35.556935
Plumbers, Pipefitters, and Steamfitters8471,00819%$26.45119161
Painters, Construction and Maintenance723688(5%)$17.4372(35)
Cost Estimators6516815%$29.886930
Drywall and Ceiling Tile Installers3994103%$19.114311
Cement Masons and Concrete Finishers3483758%$18.634127

Employment Growth by Occupation

Major Employers in Dayton Region

Danis Building Construction Co.450
Ferguson Construction276
Bruns Construction Enterprises Inc.258
Shook Construction Co.138
Miller-Valentine Group130
Messer Construction Co.111
Milcon Concrete, Inc.88
Greater Dayton Construction Group/Oberer Thompson Co.81
WENCO Construction Co.55

Dayton Area Chamber of Commerce Member Employers

Ferguson Construction
Danis Building Construction Co.
Messer Construction
Shook Construction Co.
Greater Dayton Construction Group/Oberer Thompson Co.
WENCO Construction Co.