Radiologic Technologists

Take X-rays and CAT scans or administer nonradioactive materials into patient’s blood stream for diagnostic purposes. Includes technologists who specialize in other scanning modalities.

Fast Facts

Hourly Pay
Entry Level: $22.50/hr
Median: $26.49/hr
Experienced: $30.05/hr

Current Employment
749 (2019)

Projected Employment
786 (2030)

Growth for Radiologic Technologists

2019 Jobs2030 JobsChange (2019-2030)% Change (2019-2030)

Industries Employing Radiologic Technologists

IndustryOccupation Group Jobs in Industry (2019)% of Occupation Group in Industry (2019)% of Total Jobs in Industry (2019)
General Medical and Surgical Hospitals41555.4%2.3%
Offices of Physicians (except Mental Health Specialists)16622.2%1.7%
Federal Government, Civilian, Excluding Postal Service618.2%0.3%
Medical Laboratories385.1%4.5%
Freestanding Ambulatory Surgical and Emergency Centers152%2.2%

Occupational Tasks for Radiologic Technologists

  • Review and evaluate developed x-rays, video tape, or computer-generated information to determine if images are satisfactory for diagnostic purposes.
  • Operate or oversee operation of radiologic or magnetic imaging equipment to produce images of the body for diagnostic purposes.
  • Use radiation safety measures and protection devices to comply with government regulations and to ensure safety of patients and staff.
    Position imaging equipment and adjust controls to set exposure time and distance, according to specification of examination.
  • Explain procedures and observe patients to ensure safety and comfort during scan.