Business Operations Specialists, All Other

All business operations specialists not listed separately. May include titles like Energy Auditors, Security Management Specialists, Customs Brokers, Business Continuity Planners, Sustainability Specialists, and Online Merchants.

Fast Facts

Hourly Pay
Entry Level: $27.02/hr
Median: $38.24/hr
Experienced: $48.68/hr

Current Employment
4,162 (2019)

Projected Employment
4,410 (2030)

Growth for Business Operations Specialists, All Other

2019 Jobs2030 JobsChange (2019-2030)% Change (2019-2030)

Industries Employing Business Operations Specialists, All Other

IndustryOccupation Jobs in Industry (2019)% of Occupation in Industry (2019)% of Total Jobs in Industry (2019)
Federal Government, Civilian, Excluding Postal Service1,74842%9.8%
Corporate, Subsidiary, and Regional Managing Offices 1623.9%3.2%
Direct Health and Medical Insurance Carriers1433.4%4.2%
Local Government, Excluding Education and Hospitals1353.2%0.9%
Colleges, Universities, and Professional Schools962.3%1%

Occupational Skills for Jobs under Business Operations Specialists

  • Fill customer orders by packaging sold items and documentation for direct shipping or by transferring orders to manufacturers or third-party distributors.
  • Create or maintain plans or other documents related to sustainability projects
  • Develop disaster recovery plans for physical locations with critical assets such as data centers.
  • Classify goods according to tariff coding system.
  • Engineer, install, maintain, or repair security systems, programmable logic controls, or other security-related electronic systems.
  • Identify opportunities to improve the operation, maintenance, or energy efficiency of building or process systems.