Computer Network Support Specialists

Analyze, test, troubleshoot, and evaluate existing network systems, such as local area network (LAN), wide area network (WAN), and Internet systems or a segment of a network system. Perform network maintenance to ensure networks operate correctly with minimal interruption.

Fast Facts

Hourly Pay
Entry Level: $22.27/hr
Median: $28.85/hr
Experienced: $35.60/hr

Current Employment
492 (2019)

Projected Employment
534 (2030)

Growth for Computer Network Support Specialists

2019 Jobs2030 JobsChange (2019-2030)% Change (2019-2030)

Industries Employing Computer Network Support Specialists

IndustryOccupation Jobs in Industry (2019)% of Occupation in Industry (2019)% of Total Jobs in Industry (2019)
Computer Systems Design Services7114.5%1.6%
Colleges, Universities, and Professional Schools438.6%0.5%
Custom Computer Programming Services418.4%1.6%
Wired Telecommunications Carriers306.2%2.5%
Colleges, Universities, and Professional Schools (State Government)275.6%0.5%

Occupational Tasks

  • Back up network data.
  • Configure security settings or access permissions for groups or individuals.
  • Analyze and report computer network security breaches or attempted breaches.
  • Identify the causes of networking problems, using diagnostic testing software and equipment.
  • Document network support activities.